師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature |
200909 (54:2期)期所有篇 |
- 老子之道與中國醫學:傳統中國醫學之哲學背景 Lao Tzu’s Philosophy and Chinese Medicine:The Philosophical Background of Chinese Medicine
- 汪宗衍《陳東塾(澧)先生年譜》補遺 An Addendum to Wang Zong-Yan’s “Chronicle of Chen Dong-Shu’s Life”
- 《聊齋志異》尚奇風格論 A Discourse on the Gothic Style in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi (Strange Chinese Stories)
- 吸煙與愛國:「五四運動」前後南洋兄弟煙草公司在新加坡《叻報》的廣告 Smoking and Patriotism: A Study of the Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company’s Advertisements on Lat Pau During the May Fourth Movement Period
- 從中共文字改革歷史看簡化字 The Problem of Simplified Chinese Characters: A Historical Review of the Developments of Simplified Chinese Characters by the Communist China
- 從魔都到夢土:《紐約客》的同志情欲、「異國」離散與家國想像 From a Surrealist City to a Fairyland:An Exploration of Homo Sexuality, Diaspora Experience and Imagined Homeland in Pai Hsien-Yung's "New Yorkers"