師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature
201009 (55:2期)期所有篇
唐賦敘事對話主角類型研究 Tang Dynasty Narrative Discourse Heroes in Rhapsodic Fu Poetry
誰在地景上寫字─由〈大唐中興頌〉碑探究宋代地誌書寫的銘刻與對話 Who is Writing on Landscape Exploration of the Inscription and Dialogue of Song's Topographical Writings From the Stele of %22Appraisal for Tang's Prosperity%22
《四庫全書總目》對賈誼《新書》的評述 The Comments on the Jia Yi(賈誼)'s Xinshu(新書) of the Siku Quanshu Zongmu(四庫全書總目)