崇仁學報 Journal of Chung Jen College of Nursing, Health Sciences and Management |
200912 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 天胡荽精油成分之研究 Components of Essential Oil from Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.
- 深度休閒之參與動機、持續參與因素之探討--以南部地區獨木舟協會的成員為例 The Exploration of Serious Recreational Participating Motive, Lasting Factor -Taking the Southern Area Canoe Association Members as the Example
- 情緒管理團體對護專學生之憂鬱與焦慮情緒之成效分析 The effectiveness of emotion management group for depression and anxiety in nursing students
- 探究藝術成長活動運用於失親兒童之個案研究 A Case Study of the Art Improvement Activities to A Bereaved Child
- 學童對國小附設課後托育服務之觀點 School Children' Perceptions on After-School Programs in the Elementary School
- 從越南李朝二篇墓誌探討中越文化關係 Discusses the Chinese and Vietnamese culture relations from the Vietnamese Li dynasty two inscriptions
- 淺談蘇軾食之藝術 Talking about the art of eating Sushi