臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
202303 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 明儒楊爵明心窮理與知行並重之《易》學析論 On the Characteristics of Yang Jue’s Yijing learning in which understanding the heart in depth and Treating knowledge and practice with equal importance in the Ming Dynasty
- 中唐詩人之眼疾及與之相關的內科疾病――以中西醫理研析 Eye Diseases and Related Internal Medicine Diseases of Poets in the Middle Tang Dynasty:Research and analysis of traditional Chinese and Western medicine
- 愛國逆旅.重建華僑:以冷戰前期報紙「華僑節」論述為中心(1952-1971) Patriotic Voyage and Reconstruction of Overseas Chinese: A Study on the Discourses of Overseas Chinese Festival in Newspapers During the Early Stage of Cold War (1952-1971)
- 走入自然:嵇康與他的太和之思 Roaming into Nature, Jikang, with his Ideals of“Taihe”
- 氣象與宛在:先秦儒學典籍中「如」字的表現美學與存在能動性 The Expressive Aesthetics and Existential Dynamism of“如”in the Pre-Qin Confucian Classics
- 俞廷椿《周禮復古編》的編纂邏輯重探 Yu Ting-chun’s Zhouli Fugubian: Rediscover The logic of Its Compilation
- 《史記.梁孝王世家》析論 Analysis and Discussion of the Section about the Family of King Xiao of Liang in the Historical Records by Sima Qian
- 論元好問詩詞分際兼及宮體詞創作意識 The Different Sense of Propriety between Yuan Hao-Wen’s Shi and Ci:With His Creative Consciousness of“Gon-ti”Ci