臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
200709 (3 期)期所有篇 |
- 佛光人間衛視觀音經典劇場的敘事分析與宗教意義 Buddha's mere classical theater narration analysis and religion meaning of Goddess of Mercy of Satellite TV of human world in
- 紀實與虛構:吳濁流、鍾理和的中國之旅與原鄉認同 Record of Facts and a Fictitious Story: Trips to China and the Identity of Hometown of Wu, Cho-liu and Chung, Li-ho
- 袁中郎小品的性靈天地──以「趣」為中心的考察 The Dispositional World of Short Essay of Chung-lang Yuan--an“Interest”-centered Exploration
- 前期墨家論證法則之形式、蘊義與影響──以「三表法」為主的觀察 Form, Denotation and Influence of Three Methods in Early Mohist
- 「為下下人說法」的儒學──李贄對陽明心學之繼承、擴展及其疑難 The Popular Philosophy of Confucianism--Li Zhi's theory that Succeeded to Wang Yang-ming's Philosophy of Min
- 京都學派哲學與東西哲學:藤田正勝與賴賢宗對談錄 Masakatsu Fujita and Shen-chon Lai's discussion on the philosophy of Kyoto school
- 成中英教授研究講學近況 Report on Chung-Ying's Cheng recent Activities of the philosophical research and teaching
- Jason Clower訪談林安梧論當代漢學之研究 Janson Clower visits An-wu Lin: A discussion on the contemporary Investigation of Sinology