漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
202006 (30期)期所有篇 |
- 談國立歷史博物館「三樓館藏精選文物、河南文物及館藏青銅器整飭包裝計畫案」之整飭經驗 The Meaning of Collection Inventory: Taking the "Highlights of NMH's Collection, Hosted Henan Artifacts and Bronze Artifacts Cataloguing and Packaging Project" in National Museum of History as an Example
- 試析《世說新語》之悲感心理 A Study of Sadness Psychology in Shi Shuo Xin Yu
- 正言若反──《何典》典故辯證中對文人入世之諍言考論 Paradox Reasoning: Forthright Admonition on Scholars' Engagement into the Secular World in the Allusion Dialectics of "Hedian"
- 魏晉詩歌中的網羅意象 The snare image in Wei Jin poetry
- 「新譯」如何新?──論岸春風樓《新譯紅樓夢》的翻譯策略及其經典化意義 What is the Meaning of "New" in "New Translation"? -The Study of Translation Strategies and Meaning of Classicalizationin the "Shinyaku Kōrōmu"by Kishi Shunpūrō
- 馬禮遜《字典》中的俗文學、經典與詩 A Herculean Work: Textual Materials in Robert Morrison's ADictionaryof the Chinese Language (1815-1823)