漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
201006 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 游仙與仙游--論魏晉詩人開拓生命向度的幾種嘗試 “You Xian” and “Xian You”-- Some of Wei-Jin Poets’ attempts to broaden the dimensions of life
- 三至五世紀中國佛教僧眾的飲食形態 Dietary Culture of Chinese Buddhist Monks from the 3rd to the 5th century
- 中古佛經情緒心理動詞反映之雙音化現象 The Chinese Mental Verbs in Mediaeval Buddhist Scriptures of the biphones reflection
- 馬一浮對朱、王學術的衡度語融攝--以涵養與察識的開展為軸 Yi-fu Ma’s Opinions, Integration and Absorption of the Academic Thinking of Hsi Chu and Yang-ming Wang─ With Focus on the Development of Ma’s Personal Cultivation and Review
- 窮究天人之際──六朝志怪「災異書寫」示現的人文心靈 Investigates thoroughly when the beauty --The Six Dynasties record strange or supernatural events “the natural disasters and unusual phenomena to write”show the present humanities mind