成年假釋再犯因子與社區矯正對策 Recidivism Factors of Adult Parole and Community Corrections Strategies
假釋審查決意影響因素──以DEMATEL探究男監女監之差異 The Factors that Influence Parole Decision-making: Using DEMATEL to Analyze the Differences between Male and Female Prisons
行刑累進處遇條例的法繼受與被繼受國的變遷脈絡 The Reception of Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty and the Changing Contexts of Law from the Inherited Countries
收容人社會支持、復原力與心理健康之關係研究 A Study on the Relationships among Inmate's Social Support, Resilience and Mental Health
隔絕或復歸?淺介美國精神健康法庭制度 Correction and criminal liability of mental disorder: in comparing with mental health court and Taiwan's criminal procedure