中央大學人文學報 National Central University Journal of Humanities
201704 (63 期)期所有篇
臺灣「中央財政」體制的轉型:日治初期(1898-1905)後藤新平總督府財政改革之歷史意義 Transformation of Taiwan's Central Financial System: the Historical Significance of Gotō Shinpei's Government-General Fiscal Reform in Early Japanese Colonial Period (1898-1905)
臺灣.朝鮮總督府專賣政策比較──社會經濟遺產與「國家」能力的差異 A Comparative Study on Monopoly Policies of the Taiwan and Chosen Governments-General-With a Focus on Differences in Socioeconomic Legacies and “State” Capacities
戰後臺日交流下的中日文化經濟協會(1952-1972) The Sino-Japanese Cultural an Economic under the Taiwan-Japan Relation in the Post-war Perid (1952-1972)
從《臺北人》到《父親與民國》看白先勇的離散情懷 From “People in Taipei” to “My Father and the Republic of China”, Look on Hsien-yung Pai's Feelings of Diaspora
二戰後「馬來亞華人公會」的成立與馬來亞華人的政治發展(1946-1957) The Established of “Malayan Chinese Association” and the Political Development of Malayan Chinese after World War II (1946-1957)
亞陶與阿達莫夫:從殘酷劇場到分離劇場 Artaud et Adamov : du théâtre de la cruauté au théâtre de la séparation