彰化師大文學院學報 NCUE Journal of Humanities |
201603 (13期)期所有篇 |
- 消散於風景之中:論冷面攝影的美學 Being in the Landscape: On Aesthetics of Deadpan Photography
- 會議言談插話現象之禮貌策略研究:以大學英語學習者為例 Interruptions in Meeting Talks: Politeness Strategy Use of EFL University Learners
- 鍾惺《詩經》觀析探 The Study of Zhong Xing's Shijing Opinions
- 讀寫示徑:蔣祖怡與一九四O年代的國文教育 Paths to Literacy: Mr. Zu-Yi Jiang and Chinese Education during 1940s
- 嘉道經世思潮中龔自珍「援經議政」的今文學走向 Development of the Jinwen School Based on Gong Zizhen's Citing Classics to Criticize Political Situations During the Qing Dynasty
- 大學英文教育之政策面與執行面:個案研究 Policy as Text vs. Policy as Practice in University English Curricula: A Case Study in Taiwan
- 語意具體性及華語名詞複合詞之構詞研究 Concreteness and the Formation of Noun-Noun Compounds in Mandarin Chinese
- 借鏡與反思:臺灣士紳林獻堂觀見的美國 Learning and Reflection: American Travel Notes of the Taiwanese Gentry Lin Hsien-Tang
- 以符號學的視角探勘兩首圖像詩的讀解 A Semiotic Exploration of Two Concrete Poems