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The Newspaper Images of Bureaucrats in Taiwan before and after the first party turn-over: An Analysis of the United Daily News, 1996-2004
作者 陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)陳明育蘇孔志
In a democratic polity, one of the important aspects of governance is public opinion. After the first party turn-over in year 2000, Taiwanese bureaucrats have entered into a new era of governance with public relations. Government need to build reliable images in people's head and try to earn their support for the policies. However, what are the images of bureaucrats in people's head is an interesting but unsolved question for the field of Taiwanese public administration. To answer the question, this researcher attempts to analyze the new reports concerning bureaucrats in the media. By using content analysis and frame analysis, this research uses the data collected from the news in the United Daily News to answer the above questions. Between the years of 1996 to 2004, 998 sample news are selected from the database of UDNDATA. The findings are as follows: First of all, as a whole, there are three types of newsframes of bureaucrats utilized: "mandarins", "public servants", and "employees." The newsframe of public servant appears to be the most popular one. However, there is no difference in newsframe between the news before and after the first party turnover in 2000. Secondly, bureaucrats' news is covered in the tone of neutrality and negativity. But After the first party turn-over, the amount of neutral news is decreased, and the amounts of positive and negative ones are increased. Most negative coverage is in the newsframe of "public servants". On the contrary, the proportion of negative coverage in the "mandarins" is higher than other frames. Thirdly, although the amount of bureaucrats' news from appointed and elected officials is decreased, the proportion of the negative ones is increased after the year of 2000.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 公務人員內容分析框架分析報紙政黨輪替政府公關與行銷bureaucratscontent analysisframe analysisnewspaperparty turnovergovernment public relation
刊名 法政學報  
期數 201807 (27期)
出版單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
該期刊-下一篇 以論證觀點分析氣候變遷調適政策




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