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作者 月旦法學雜誌編輯部
全球在近幾年經歷了COVID-19疫情、烏俄戰爭等重要事件,而中東地區的局勢也更加緊張,對於人類的氣候變遷治理產生隱憂,使得2023年在阿拉伯聯合大公國舉辦的聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第28次締約方大會(Conference of Parties, COP)(下稱「COP28」),增添一些變數,也令人擔憂對於全球的氣候治理將會造成如何的影響。臺灣大學法律學院環境永續政策及法律研究中心即在COP28之後,邀請學者專家就此次大會的相關議題進行分析與討論。
對於此次締約方大會的進展,與會學者認為,COP28具有相當程度的重要性與指標意義。首先,繼2022年正式成立損失與損害基金後,2023年則是開始有國家願意投入資金,以更有效地協助氣候脆弱的國家因應氣候變遷所造成的災害損失。不過,各國對於基金的具體運用仍然欠缺明確的細節與共識。其次,COP28是《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement)後的首次全球盤點,也意味著以國家自主貢獻(Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs)為主軸的氣候治理機制的第一次體檢,檢驗全球在氣候變遷議題的共同努力成果。此外,在2050年達成淨零排放的方向上,可惜最終並沒有通過淘汰(phase out)化石燃料的決議,留有未來繼續討論的空間。最後值得注意的是,COP28也呈現出議題的多元包容性,納入新興議題如糧食生產、氣候與健康等,在在顯示氣候變遷對於人類的影響層面相當廣泛。另一方面,從更寬廣的視角來看,COP28的舉行也預示著人類將可能繼續在疫情、戰爭、威權政治等背景脈絡下,面對氣候變遷的相關議題,從而在在考驗未來的氣候治理行動。
The world has witnessed significant events in recent years, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and escalating tensions in the Middle East. These developments raise challenges to global climate change governance, particularly at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Policy and Law Center for Environmental Sustainability (PLES Center) of National Taiwan University College of Law organized a discussion panel and invited scholars and experts to further analyze issues behind, beneath and beyond COP28.
During the panel, scholars and experts observed the significance of COP28 as below. Firstly, since the Loss and Damage Fund was established last year, several countries, including the UAE, have been willing to invest in the Fund to assist climate-vulnerable nations with their losses caused by climate change. However, clearer details and a consensus regarding the specific use of the Fund remain absent. Secondly, COP28 marks the first global stock-take since the Paris Agreement came into effect in 2016 and evaluates the global collective efforts on climate change governance, especially the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Thirdly, the Conference demonstrates its inclusiveness by incorporating new issues such as food production, climate, and health, highlighting the fact that climate change has an influence on all aspects of humans. Lastly, COP28 indicates a common future in which we may continue to face challenges from continuing pandemics, wars, and even authoritarianism as the backdrop of global climate governance.
Looking back on Taiwan’s climate change policy, despite the Climate Change Response Act in 2023, it remains to be further evaluated whether Taiwan can truly perform in accordance with the progress of international climate governance. More discussions from a global perspective are needed on both theoretical and practical levels. Additionally, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and even civil society can play significant roles in climate governance from the bottom up.
起訖頁 179-196
關鍵詞 COP28全球盤點損失與損害公正轉型化石燃料淘汰2050淨零排放氣候與健康COP28Global Stock-takeLoss and DamageJust TransitionFossil Fuel Phase-outNet Zero 2050Climate and Health
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202407 (350期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593135011   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 WTO投資便捷暨發展協定──國際投資協定發展之困境與挑戰




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