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Midterm Report of Communication Surveillance: Comment on the Supreme Court (110) Tai-shang-da Tzu No. 2943
作者 王士帆
Article 5 (4) of the Communication Security and Surveillance Act stipulates that the enforcement authority shall file at least one report every 15 days during communication surveillance, describing the progress of conducting the surveillance and/or if it is necessary to continue implementing it. The Supreme Court (110) Tai-shang-da Tzu No. 2943 comes from the doubts about the use of evidence in the case of violating the midterm report obligation. This article believes that given the narrow interpretation of“violation of Article 5”in Article 18-1 (3) of the Communication Security and Surveillance Act and the exclusion of violations of Article 5 (4) of the midterm report obligation, the content of continued surveillance should apply to the Article 158-4 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Although the Criminal Grand Chamber also accepted the possibility of application of Article 158-4 of the Criminal Procedure Code, it finally adopted a narrow interpretation of Article 18-1 (3) of the Communication Security and Surveillance Act. However, his interpretation is divided into“completely unproduced midterm report”and“other illegal circumstances”; the former is still subject to Article 18-1(3) of the Communication Security and Surveillance Act, and only the latter is subject to Article 158-4 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Accordingly, the questions and criticisms raised in this paper based on the internal harmony of the system interpretation and the prohibition of hierarchical use of evidence also point to the Criminal Grand Chamber. But in all fairness, the Criminal Grand Chamber at least does not follow the old practice, and the contributed legal insights are progressive after all.
起訖頁 165-216
關鍵詞 通訊監察期中報告證據排除證據禁止刑事大法庭Communication SurveillanceMidterm ReportExclusion of EvidenceProhibition of Evidence (Beweisverbot)Criminal Grand Chamber
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 202309 (174期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.53106/102398202023090174003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 受讓地上權建築物第三人之損失補償請求權──從概念法學到正義衡平
該期刊-下一篇 資訊的保鮮期限?──論被遺忘權幾個待解的習題




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