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Digitization of Law in Germany─Status and Prospects   全文下載 全文下載
作者 Prof. Dr. Hanno Kube (Prof. Dr. Hanno Kube)
In Germany, the digitization of law affects civil law, criminal law, and public law. Civil law allows the use of electronic form, takes account of contracts in electronic commerce and regulates online marketplaces, among others. Criminal law is responding to digitization by the application of existing criminal law to new types of circumstances and by the enactment of new criminal law norms aiming at the protection of privacy, property, and the integrity of data. Looking at the separate state powers, digitization is beginning to affect the legislative process in Germany (e-legislative process, e-publication of laws, “digital check” for laws). The judiciary is also beginning to be digitized. Apart from the introduction of electronic files, the court communication with citizens is increasingly going digital (“special electronic lawyers’s mailbox”). A current draft law aims to provide for regular online court hearings. The digitized state administration in Germany (e-government) first focused on electronic communication. More recently, attempts have been made to create comprehensive online access to administrative services. The most exciting developments concern the fully automated issuance of administrative acts. In Germany, tax administration takes a pioneering role in this regard. It will be important to use computer technology in a differentiated manner, in particular with regard to the different functions of the separate state powers.
起訖頁 165-181
關鍵詞 數位化E化政務E化司法E化立法稅務行政DigitizationE-governmentE-justiceE-legislationTax Administration
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202308 (339期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593133910   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 藥品專利權期間延長之立法目的及其落實──從新近實務爭議談起
該期刊-下一篇 「他們看見了抗議」(上)──認知反自由主義和言論/行為區分/Dan M. Kahan、David A. Hoffman、Donald Braman、Danieli Evans、Jeffrey J. Rachlinski(譯文)




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