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Law and Regulation of Taiwan Internet-Only Banking
作者 吳佳潓
With the rapid development of the Internet, the value and advantage of brick-and-mortar stores have gradually been eroded. The reason for this is that customers are accustomed to receiving services via Internet which has the characteristics of being immediate and borderless. By use of mobile phones, tablets, computers and other modern technological products, making choices among different goods and services become easier and more diversified. Requirements of such convenience and demands of taking customers as the core have become a very important niche point for the modern service industry. Since 2020, the world has been ravaged by the COVID-19. In order to reduce the risk of virus infection, non-physical service mode gets to become a trend. Thus, to provide services through Internet is even more urgent. The scope of traditional financial services is limited to the numbers and areas of physical branches, hence, there may be orphans of banking services due to the inability to physically contact physical banks, or there may be difficulties in establishing physical bank transactions due to the regulatory environment. As a result, the customer base that physical banks can serve is limited, so that people who actually need to use financial services cannot access complete financial services. It also limits the opportunities for banks to expand their service customer base. Therefore, countries such as the United States, the Europe, China, etc., have recently been committed to the development of digital banks by means of implementing supervision sandbox to get successful cases and support them, or by moderately adjusting the regulations on traditional banking restrictions, also by way of national forces advocating the advantages of digital banks. In response to the trend of digital banking services and encouraging financial innovation (FinTech), deepening financial popularization and meeting consumer needs and adjusting to new consumption habits, the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C (Taiwan) announced on April 26, 2018 the opening of internet-only bank after consulting external opinions, and the draft amendments to two laws related to the establishment of internet-only bank, " Standards Governing the Establishment of Commercial Banks " and " Regulations Governing Investments in Other Enterprises by Commercial Banks ". The overall content of the aforesaid laws regulate the qualifications of the founders who intend to apply for the establishment of internet-only bank, the capital and financial requirements of internet-only bank, and the audit operations and audit items.
This thesis will first introduce the development of internet-only bank in Taiwan, including the policy overview and the main regulations related to the internet-only bank stipulated in the “Standards Governing the Establishment of Commercial Banks " and " Regulations Governing Investments in Other Enterprises by Commercial Banks ", and the application for the establishment. However, after a careful review of the “Standards Governing the Establishment of Commercial Banks " and " Regulations Governing Investments in Other Enterprises by Commercial Banks ", it can be found that the competent authority is still unable to provide clear guidelines for the how the internet-only bank works. Hence, the second part of this thesis intends to analyze the development of internet-only bank in the United States, the Europe, South Korea, Japan, and the mainland China. Through comparison, this thesis intends to sort out the feasible operation and supervision mode of internet-only bank in Taiwan. Also the difficulties and risks of the internet-only bank faced in other countries serve as a reminder for the development and supervision of internet-only bank in Taiwan.
Finally, the opening policy of internet-only bank is a part of financial innovation, which is to achieve the purpose of providing services through non-physical network systems. Therefore, the supervision of the competent authority is very important in ensuring that consumers feel at ease and confident in using this new type of financial services. In November 2018, when the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C (Taiwan) issued the opening policy of internet-only bank license, the Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C (Taiwan) said in an interview that "finance must be in a strong supervision, because an accident will affect the safety and interest of the public." The speech showed that the supervisory authority may adopt a high-intensity control of supervision for internet-only bank, but the actual supervision regulations are not clearly defined, which also conflicts with the nature of prospering and developing of financial technology innovation. This thesis intends to propose some directions of the supervision of internet-only bank, hoping to serve as a reference for the competent authorities to design guidelines for supervision of internet-only bank in the future.
起訖頁 1-168
關鍵詞 純網路銀行監理模式法制評析將來銀行連線銀行樂天國際商業銀行金融消費者保護金融生態圈金融創新good-hand internet-only banksupervision modelegal review and analysisNext BankLine BankRakuten International Bankfinancial consumer protectionfinancial ecosystemfinancial innovation
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 陽明交通大學 
該期刊-上一篇 打擊資助武器擴散之國際規範與我國資恐防制法之調和




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