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A Study on the Subjects of Insider Trading Crime
作者 鄭伯羣
刑法上之複數行為人,即共同正犯、教唆犯、幫助犯之問題,於內線交易時如何適用?與內線交易之法理有無衝突?本文第三章中有部分內容在討論此一問題。又本文將內線交易主體於行為時之主觀心態納入研究範圍,即刑法上故意及不法意圖之問題。知悉與利用之爭,有許多研究論述。本文以一定篇幅比較二說之利弊,並說明為何支持推定利用說,並說明採此說應具備之配套措施。 最後,我國實務上曾發生數起重大內線交易案件,廣受社會矚目。上開案件之刑事部分歷經十餘年的司法審判,對於我國證券交易法第157條之1之內線交易罪主體規定於實務上如何被解釋及適用,應有高度的參考價值。本文整理各該案件自第一審起至本文截稿前最後一次判決之判決要旨,包括犯罪事實及對內線交易罪主體部分之法律評價,以供參考。於結論中,筆者綜合本文之所有觀點,提出對於證券交易法第157條之1現行法之修正芻議,並列表說明。
Insider trading undermines the interests of companies and shareholders, shakes investors’ confidence in the stock market, impedes the development of market integrity, and sabotages the foundation of market operation. Consequently, advanced countries worldwide have reached a consensus on prohibiting insider trading. Insider trading refers to stock trading behavior practiced on the basis of information asymmetry and inequality. A person who engages in insider trading may be an insider of a company that issues marketable securities or someone who acquires insider information through tipping from an insider or other non-insiders. In some cases, if an individual engages in a transaction based on confidential internal information of a company that has not yet been disclosed and would potentially affect the market value of securities obtained through information tipped off via multiple relays, such a transaction is also identified as a form of insider trading. In the criminal code, the actors involved in the aforementioned forms of insider trading are perceived as the subjects of insider trading violations. In the present study, research around this theme is conducted.
Fundamental theories for insider trading prohibition include the equal access theory (also known as the market integrity theory or the market theory for short), the fiduciary duty theory, the misappropriation theory, and the tipper–tippee theory (the latter three being relation-based theories). Currently, the United States adopts relation-based theories. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 defines insider trading as a fraudulent act and establishes essential elements for insider trading on the basis of the aforementioned theories as supplementary regulations. These theories shall be fallowed by all states which enforce laws that regulate insider trading, Taiwan is no exception. In addition, the executive orders promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and appropriate applications of the aforementioned theories in judicial adjudications also important materials worth referencing. By contrast, some European countries categorize insider trading regulations as statutory laws and incline toward the market theory in relation to legislative purposes without being subject to the restriction of deeming insider trading as fraud, which is akin to the situation in Taiwan. Accordingly, in addition to legislation in the United States, Taiwan can also draw on insider trading regulations enacted by the European Union and other European countries as critical references in interpreting domestic legislation. Thus, this study elaborates on several key aspects of relevant legal institutions implemented by the European Union and the United Kingdom.
Regarding the constituent elements of insider trading violations stipulated in Paragraph 1, Article 157-1 of the Securities Exchange Act, the definition of the subjects of insider trading lacks specificity and adequate coverage, which has, in turn, caused numerous controversies in statutory interpretation. The comparative jurisprudence-based interpretation approach is admittedly a crucial method for legal interpretation. However, as a country adopting statutory laws, Taiwan cannot rely merely on theories and judicial precedents as supplements to positive laws; express statutory provisions are advisably required. Therefore, this study maintains that legislative amendments should be introduced as promptly as possible with reference to the current legislation adopted by the United States and the European Union to make provisions on more specific and comprehensive regulations governing the subjects of insider trading, thereby preventing legal loopholes. Further, regarding the subjective constituent elements of the subjects of insider trading, controversies have surrounded two competing theories, namely, the theories of knowing and of use — both crucial and relevant topics of research interest. Although the former comprises the majority of legal theory in present-day practice, this study argues that the adoption of the constructive use theory achieves a higher level of appropriateness. Thus, the study suggests that the constructive theory should be adopted and that current legislation be amended to include exemption clauses as supporting regulations.
起訖頁 1-275
關鍵詞 內線交易資訊平等公開資訊或戒絕交易信賴義務私取理論消息傳遞責任理論個人利益知悉持有免責抗辯事由Insider TradingInformation EquityDisclose Information or Abstain from TradingFiduciary DutyMisappropriation TheoryTipper–Tippee TheoryPersonal InterestKnowing PossessionAffirmative Defenses
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中原大學 
該期刊-上一篇 公寓大廈管理條例之研究──以管理組織為中心
該期刊-下一篇 區塊鏈技術運用於數位證據之研究──以刑事數位證據之蒐集與鑑識為例




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