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A Research on the Crime Pattern of Internet Drug Trafficking and Countering Strategies
作者 塗凱竣
With the advance in Internet technology, nowadays people deeply rely on the Internet in their daily lives. However, due to the immediacy, convenience, interoperability and concealment of the Internet characteristics, the development of criminal behaviors and methods become more diverse and updated. Drug traffickers, no matter in domestic or abroad, all know utilizing the Internet is a much faster and more convenient channel for drug trafficking. Indeed, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, owing to many jurisdictions has implementing many control measures, the ways of drug trafficking are changed to carried by sea, air or fishing boats. In order to not be arrested, those drug addicts also transform the way of getting drugs by ordering online home delivery and using drugs in private places. Apparently, the trend of domestic Internet drug trafficking will continually increase in the future. The main purpose of this research is to explore the criminal methods, criminal process and police investigation experience of Internet drug trafficking; furthermore, to put forward relevant suggestions and provide the findings as references for governments to formulate criminal policies and crime prevention.
The methodology of this research adopts the "secondary data analysis method", "in-depth interview method" and "focus group discuss method". To start with analyzing the verdicts of the Taiwan Taichung District Court in 2020 on Internet drug trafficking with secondary data analysis method to understand the criminal modes and process of Internet drug trafficking. Next, conducted in-depth interviews with five front-line investigators, and five prisoners in Taichung Prison now who had experience in Internet drug trafficking and voluntarily participated in the interviews. Moreover, to invite anti-drug crime experts and policymakers with a total of five people to launch a focus group discussion. It then concluded the predicaments and recommend strategies faced by the investigators by scrutinizing and analyzing the data about Internet drug trafficking.
There are four findings of this research. To begin with, the structure of Internet drug trafficking is systematic. In other words, there are various platforms for drug deals, including online forums, games, social software, and communication software. Then, the most common transaction drugs are Amphetamine, Ketamine and emerging drugs with the cover of the coffee packets. Furthermore, there is no day and night for drug traffickers and the location of the drug transaction is usually decided by buyers. Finally, to circumvent the pursuit from law enforcement, the drug trafficker group members adopt single-line contact and regularly replace work phones, vehicles, drug warehouses storage locations, and apply face-to-face delivery process with video records.
In conclusion, the result of this research does shed the light on that it is necessary to enact a specific law on the technological investigation as soon as possible to enhance the detection ability of law enforcement. Besides, the Digital Development Department, which belongs to Executive Yuan, should integrate relevant departments immediately to achieve effective control of the Internet, software, and game industries as well as stipulate the action plan for anti- Internet drug trafficking and reward plans to accelerate police investigation techniques and promote international cooperation., etc.
Overall, the crux of the matter of effectively deterring Internet drug trafficking is to propose investigation and prevention strategies in line with the current situation, like the aforesaid practices in order to protect the citizens’ lives, assets and safety.
起訖頁 1-268
關鍵詞 網路販毒新興毒品科技偵查犯罪模式偵查困境Internet drug traffickingNew psychoactive substanceTechnological investigationCrime patternInvestigation predicament
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中正大學 
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該期刊-下一篇 公務員貪瀆犯罪預防之研究




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