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Revisiting the Rise and Fall of Caodong Lineage between the Tang and Song Dynasty: Some Notes on Ge Zhouzi’s Article
作者 黃庭碩 (Ting-shou Huang)




From the early twelfth century on, the Caodong lineage 曹洞宗 has always been a prominent force in the East Asian Buddhism, not only as one of the two longest-transmission and most influential Chan sects along with the Linji lineage 臨濟宗, but also became an important component of Japanese Buddhism after spreading to the East in the late Southern Song Dynasty. Nevertheless, from the perspective of development history, although the Cao Dong lineage, which emerged at the end of the Tang Dynasty, had a period of glory in the early Five Dynasties, it soon declined in the latter Five Dynasties and persisted this awkward situation to the early Song dynasty, even temporarily confronting transmission interruption in the middle of the eleventh century. Compared to its long activity from the twelfth century onward, the Caodong lineage actually underwent a dramatic ups and downs in its early stages, that is, from the Tang to the Song dynasties. Chan scholars have paid long attention to the twisted development of the Caodong lineage. Recently, based on the profound achievements of predecessors, Ge Zhouzi’s article “Politics, the Dharma Seat and Dharma Transmission: The Rise and Decline of the Caodong Lineage from the Late Tang Dynasty through the Early Song,” in Early and Medieval Chinese History 8:2 (2016), provides a detailed exploration about how the development of the Caodong lineage be influenced and directed by political changes during the Tang and Song dynasties. However, in the process of reading, the author found that there seems to be some arguments deserved further consideration. Therefore, the author hope to offer some personal opinions through this article in order that further completing the understanding about the early development of the Caodong lineage.


起訖頁 335-415
關鍵詞 曹洞宗禪宗發展楊吳南唐唐宋之際Caodong lineagedevelopment of Chan BuddhismYang Wu kingdomSouthern Tangbetween Tang and Song dynasty
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 202112 (13期)
該期刊-上一篇 遼朝北面的統治機構——以著帳官與節度使為中心




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