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From Statesman to Confucian: the Debates about the Images of Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang in Song Dynasty
作者 黃方碩 (Fang-Shuo Huang)





Zhang Liang張良(?-189 BCE) and Zhuge Liang諸葛亮 (181-234), two famous statesmen in the Han dynasty, were usually praised for their political achievements. In the Song dynasty, however, they were named as Confucians (ruzhe 儒者) for the first time. Later, Song literati started to discuss weather Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang really followed the Confucian principles . On the one side, some scholars believed that Zhang’s and Zhuge’s deeds practiced Confucian virtue. On the other side, criticizers argued that their learning were not based on Confucianism. As the debate developing, Zhuge Liang became more accepted as a Confucian in Southern Song dynasty, while Zhang Liang’s Confucian image was intensely criticized or even denied. The debates reflected things which Song literati valued, and it also symbolized their attempts at defining the Confucian and establishing a Confucian paradigm. The connection between a statesman and the term ‘Confucian’, as Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang, meant that the definition of the Confucian in Song dynasty was not only focused on their abilities in teaching Confucian Classics, but also emphasized political achievements. In summary, the case study about the Confucian images of Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang provides a way to analyze the political and intellectual thoughts in Song dynasty.


起訖頁 097-167
關鍵詞 張良諸葛亮儒者形象宋代歷史評論Zhang LiangZhuge LiangConfucianismSong dynastyhistorical comments
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 202112 (13期)
該期刊-上一篇 禮學詮釋與政治訴求——北宋仁、英之際禮儀爭議與濮議新考
該期刊-下一篇 六至八世紀的蒙古、中亞和北中國——從突厥王侯陵墓所見文化複合




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