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Expanding business opportunities from epidemic prevention
The pandemic impacted global commercial activity to different extents. Most of our allied countries have developing economies, and are relatively vulnerable to external changes. Using Central America as an example, a survey report of CABEI pointed out that the pandemic devastated the region and will cause its economic growth rate to decline by 2.5-4.9 percent in 2020. We have provided guidance to SMEs in Central America for many years, and seek to mitigate the impact on their operations and transform the crisis into an opportunity. We thus added digital transformation and anti-epidemic products as elements of ongoing projects to seize new business opportunities.
起訖頁 38-40
刊名 International Cooperation and Development Fund Ann  
期數 202105 (2020期)
出版單位 財團法人國際合作發展基金會
該期刊-上一篇 Providing funds for relief and social and economic recovery
該期刊-下一篇 Introducing diverse forms of online teaching




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