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Analyses of the Transmission of the Jing Language through Nôm Characters from the Perspective of Language Situation of the Jing People in Dongxing, Guangxi, China
作者 阮蘇蘭阮大瞿越




Jing people inhabit Jiangping town of Dongxing city district in Guangxi and constitute a national minority in China. Their language – the so-called Jing language -- is a dialect of the Vietnamese. Now the Jing language faces extinction because of the pressure from standard Mandarin, spoken dialects of Chinese, and standard Vietnamese. In order to protect and promulgate the Jing language, a group of local old intellectuals have decided to use Nôm characters as a tool of transmission of the Jing language. The present article, based on materials collected during two fieldwork trips to the “three islands area of the Jing nationality” in 2015, for the first time discusses the reasons why the Nôm characters have been chosen as the tool of language transmission as well as the ways of transmission of the Nôm characters themselves. In comparative perspective, the Nôm characters belonging to the Chinese characters system, unlike Romanization of modern Vietnamese (the so-called quốc ngữ) cannot represent the exact pronunciation of the Jing language, and therefore cannot offer advantage in the task of transmission of this language. The author argues that the choice of the Nôm characters as the tool of the Jing language transmission is caused by considerations of the survival of this ethnicity; it emphasizes original connections between Nôm and Chinese characters, as well as the status of the Jing as a part of the big Han nation.


起訖頁 171-190
關鍵詞 京族京語喃字傳承語言傳承Jing peopleJing languageNôm transmissionlanguage transmission
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201906 (33期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 自白蛇傳說之原型意涵論李碧華《青蛇》中的女性愛慾與命運




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