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The commentaries and academicians --the features and cultural implications of “Guanke Pingdian” in the late Ming dynasty
作者 連文萍




“Guanke Pingdian” is a literature genre that comprises the academicians’ commentaries and guidance on the students’ reading and writing in the Guanke courses. This paper discusses its forms, styles, principles, purposes, and problems with authorship. “Guanke Pingdian” is similar to commentaries on other literature genres in the late Ming dynasty, with a style of spontaneity and the same problem of falsified authorship in disguise of other authors’ name. However, the authors were being entitled as academicians, who were given the rights and responsibilities to teach “shujishi” who would have a chance of being promoted to become high rank officials in the government. Therefore the authors of commentaries and guidance would consider the size of existing bureaucrat and promote the Confucian ideal of “being sage inside and being kingly outside” and “to govern and benefit the people”. They were politically motivated and intended to educate the students, criticize the decline of literati ethos, and correct the scholar’s habits and manners. Nevertheless, their commentaries and guidance were focused on evaluating literary achievements, reflecting the academicians’ tendency to return to the ancients and emphasize being solemn and stable. By contrast, they were limited in enhancing the shujishi’s capacity of policy making and administration. To the public, “Guanke Pingdian” shaped the imagination about the "reality" of the Guanke academy and strengthened the students’ desire to sit for the imperial examinations, so that the students were attracted to write in a similar style to the commentaries and guidance, in the hope that they will be promoted to join the imperial academy. Therefore, “Guanke Pingdian” is part of the imperial examination, indicating the long lasting legacy of Chinese imperial examination.


起訖頁 109-140
關鍵詞 館課評點科舉翰林院晚明Guanke coursescommentaries and guidancethe imperial examinationHanlin Academylate Ming dynasty
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201906 (33期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 既「儒」且「醫」:論「儒醫」融合儒學與中國醫學的角色
該期刊-下一篇 自白蛇傳說之原型意涵論李碧華《青蛇》中的女性愛慾與命運




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