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Research on the legal system of students' rights and interests relief in China: A case study on the revocation of Yu yanru's doctoral degree by Peking University
作者 陳銘聰 (Ming-Tsung Chen)




In recent years, college students often take their alma mater to court because they have been punished or can not accept the corresponding punishment. Students think that the results of the school seriously infringe on their right to education or other basic rights. On the one hand, the legal consciousness of College Students’ self-protection is constantly improving, on the other hand, it also reflects the illegality of the student rights relief procedure in dealing with students’ violations. degree is not only a symbol of academic level, but also a prerequisite for obtaining corresponding economic and social status. When colleges and universities make the decision to cancel their degrees, they must take into account both substantive justice and procedural justice, not only to maintain academic value and academic ethics, but also to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of students. In particular, the negative impact of degree revocation on the parties is extremely significant, in addition to directly affecting the party’s right to reputation, privacy and work, and even the party’s personal dignity. This kind of behavior will cause serious consequences of the parties, we must improve the way of relief. At present, the disputes caused by the revocation of degree have been included in the scope of judicial review. However, because it is related to the "academic freedom" of colleges and universities, when the court tries the dispute of revocation of degree, it generally only examines whether colleges and universities follow the principle of due process in the process of revocation of degree. As for the substantive academic misconduct, the court generally does not review it. Taking the case of the Yu Yanru’s doctorate degree from Peking University as an example, this paper analyzes the dispute points of degree withdrawal and hopes to have a better understanding of the legal system of student rights relief in Chinese mainland.


起訖頁 029-064
關鍵詞 學位撤銷權益救濟正當程序程序正義于艷茹degree revocationrights and interests reliefdue processprocedural justiceYu yanru
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 202106 (35期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 偏鄉學校變革之挑戰教育優先區─成功專案推動歷程研究
該期刊-下一篇 《臺灣蕃人事情》報告與日治初期官方原住民教育政策的形成




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