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政大法學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

From World Trends to Generational Justice: Lowering the Voting Age and Youth Political Participation in Taiwan
作者 劉晏齊
Several constitutional amendments were ratified by the congress in Taiwan since the 1990s. The proposal of lowering the voting age, however, has remained an unfinished business over the past 25 years. Lowering the minimum voting age means giving the youth more rights to political participation to address its underrepresentation in the congress and unequal allocation of resources. This paper examines the legal history of advocacy for lowering the voting age in Taiwan, discourses of political parties and civic organizations, as well as actions for amending Article 130 of the Constitution and Article 7 of the Referendum Act. This paper also analyzes how these discourses have changed from“following the world trends,”“meeting equal rights and responsibilities”to pursuing“generational justice.”This paper concludes that an investigation into the legal history of lowering the voting age helps us to rethink the meaning of the minimum age threshold and its relationship with democracy and policy-making, and to seek future legal opportunities for the public participation of the youth.
起訖頁 227-310
關鍵詞 憲法第130條修憲最低投票年齡投票權選舉青少年兒少政治參與政治成熟度法律史Article 130 of the ConstitutionConstitutional AmendmentMinimum Voting AgeVoting RightsElectionYouthChildren and JuvenilesPolitical ParticipationPolitical MaturityLegal History
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 202106 (165期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/102398202021060165004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 消滅時效因於外國法院起訴而中斷──兼評最高法院105年度臺上字第1165號民事判決
該期刊-下一篇 台灣法學會五十載──從瓦解威權法治的「木馬」到民主法治守護者




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