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A Long-term Study of Assistive Technology Extended Services for a Person with Upper Cervical Cord Injury
作者 林淑玟羅錦興
年僅18 歲的個案在1998 年因跳水意外受傷,造成頸髓損傷且四肢癱瘓。對極重度肢體障礙的他來說,個別化電腦科技輔具有何幫助?除科技輔具外,他還需要什麼?一個結合研發科技輔具與提供輔助科技延伸服務的跨專業團隊,能為他做些什麼?這些科技輔具與延伸服務(含心理、社會與職業重建),能為其生命帶來何種改變?本文主要採個案研究與行動研究法,探討跨專業團隊自2001年4月起,為這位高位頸髓損傷者,提供近九年長期介入與互動過程中,發現的議題及啟示。研究發現,在提供長期輔助科技延伸服務後,對其社會人際互動、接納傷殘與居家就業上,都有正面成效。然而,生命旅程尚未結束,這些正向功效,能否在其後續人生中持續發揮影響,仍有待時間給予答案。
This study focused on a young man who had suffered an upper cervical cord (C1-C6) injury from a diving accident in 1998, when he was 18, rendering him a quadriplegic. Researchers aimed to explore how much help customized computer assistive technology devices had been to this young man, and what outcomes had been generated for him by a transdisciplinary assistive technology team integrating high-tech device development and provisions of assistive technology extended services (ATES), including psychological, social and vocational rehabilitation. This case study and action research also aimed to discover what changes the young man had experienced in his life as a result of long-term interventions initiated in January 2001, and to address issues faced by his ATES team over the past nine years. The results revealed that the young man had had overall positive effects in terms of social interaction, acceptance of impairment, and telework (e-work) after receiving the ATES.
起訖頁 51-76
關鍵詞 長期介入成果高位頸髓損傷科技輔具跨專業輔助科技團隊輔助科技延伸服務Assistive Technology Extended ServicesHigh-tech devicesLong-term Interventions and OutcomesTransdisciplinary Assistive Technology TeamUpper Cervical Cord Injury
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201011 (35:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 美國身心障礙學生考試調整策略成效之後設分析
該期刊-下一篇 修改語音基頻曲線與低通濾波處理影響聽障學生國語聲調聽辨成效之研究




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