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High School Students' Historical Concepts, Attitudes Toward History Learning, and Historical Critical Thinking Disposition
作者 黃麗蓉賴思儀楊淑晴
近年來,學生歷史思考能力的培養,已是歐美國家教育改革的主要方向;於此風潮之下,臺灣中學的歷史教育也出現了新變革。但是,針對中學生如何理解與認知「史料」、「證據」、「解釋」等重要歷史核心概念,至今則未見植基於「學習者中心」之觀點來進行探索。再者,國內學界對於學生如何看待歷史,以及歷史批判思維能力的相關測驗工具並不多見,故本研究參酌國內、外相關研究量表,據以為基礎進行改編,使其符合歷史科目之特性,最後乃編製成「歷史科批判思考傾向量表」,藉此探究目前中學生之歷史概念、歷史學習態度與歷史批判思考傾向。本研究對象為高雄市國中二、三年級學生以及高中二年級學生,有效問卷計1,017 份。研究結果顯示,學生在歷史課堂的學習,以歷史知識為主,對於歷史概念內涵的認知相當有限。此外,對歷史老師評價愈高的學生、愈常閱讀歷史小說或故事者、以及愈喜好歷史科的中學生,其歷史批判思考傾向則愈高。最後,本研究亦針對研究結果,提出具體建議以供教師、後續研究者作為適用與修訂之方向。
Exploring ways to cultivate learners' historical critical thinking has been one of the main themes in recent US and European educational reform. However, the processes by which learners' understand the concepts in history (i.e. historical documents, evidence, empathy, interpretation and accounts) have not been investigated from a learner-centered perspective. Furthermore, how learners view history and their disposition to historical critical thinking have not been fully explored. The purpose of the study is to design instruments that measure students' history learning and to explore learners' development of history concepts, attitude toward history learning, and their historical critical thinking disposition. The participants were 1017 8th, 9th and 11th grade students within the Kaohsiung County. Results showed that learners in history courses, in general, tend to focus on memorizing historical facts and display only limited understanding toward the concepts of history. In addition, analysis showed that learners with more positive evaluation toward teachers, read a greater number of historical novels and stories, as well as reported more liking of history. These learners also display much better performance on historical critical thinking disposition. Based on the findings, some suggestions were proposed for history teachers and future studies.
起訖頁 65-98
關鍵詞 歷史批判思考傾向歷史思考能力歷史教育historical critical thinking abilitieshistorical critical thinking dispositionhistory education
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201112 (24:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小高年級媒體素養課程規劃與教學實施之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 國小輔導教師之實務培訓與督導需求初探




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