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An Exploration for International Networks of Civil Society in Asian Tiger Economies
作者 戴伯芬
Using social network analysis, this article explores the civil networks among Asian Tiger Economies in the context of global governance. The relationship between the traditional colonial governments-- UK and Japan and their colonies are different. UK draws back gradually from Asian civil organizations network while Japan still maintains intensive interactions and rebuilds the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” based on the vertical division supported by the US government. In the process of nation/government building, Asian Tiger Economies all maintain equivalent relationship with the US and with China. In so doing, they can balance national security and economic development. South Korea is the most positive one in participating international groups, which promotes it as the second important node of Asian civil network. The network analysis of international civil society provides an alternative approach in which governments and civil societies both play important roles for understanding the global governance embedded in Asian geopolitics.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 全球治理國家/城市體系公民社會網絡四小龍經濟體candidate imagefeeling thermometercandidate evaluationparty preference
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201103 (2:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-下一篇 自景觀生態取向之綠色基盤系統建設探討 氣候變遷回應之城市治理




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