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A Comparative Analysis of Ecological Economic Systems Evaluation in Kaohsiung-Pingtung Area via Energy Analysis
作者 鄭春發吳連賞
本研究藉由生態經濟學的觀點,並透過Howard T. Odum建構能值分析方法,有別於過去以貨幣作為食物、勞力、貨物、礦物燃料等資源評量基準,嘗試探討高屏地區自日治時期起四個時期,面對全球化共同市場與永續發展浪潮,以在國家產業政策、國際經貿市場機制下,探究高屏地區土地利用變遷,以及土地利用轉變對生態經濟系統的演替影響。本研究認為都市與其腹地生態經濟系統是一體的,因此,縣市合併是一個城市區域的概念,事實上是一種強調生態足跡的觀念,更符合生態城鄉發展的去思考區域治理的議題。注重城市腹地維生與生態環境的「城市區域」(cityregion),是未來都會區治理與城鄉發展可能的生態模式之一。
The study is from ecological economics perspective by Odum building energy analysis method to explore the four periods of the national development which are: Japanese occupation1940, 1975 take-off periodten major projects to promote, 1995 economic stabilitysustainability trends introduced, and 2008planning towards ecological transition presentand to explore the evolution of land-use change in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, as well as ecological-economic systems. The study suggests that city and its ecological economics are the whole. Therefore, combination is a city regional concept. In fact, it emphasizes the ecological footprint concept so as to be in line with the ecological development of urban and rural to think about regional governance issues. It can be argued that “city-region” is one of the possible ecological models in the future metropolitan governance and urban/rural development.
起訖頁 57-111
關鍵詞 生態經濟學土地利用變遷能值分析環境容受力ecological economicsland use changeenergy analysiscarrying capacity
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201109 (2:2期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 大都民主治理的跨國比較
該期刊-下一篇 文化創意.原民魅力--從新五都格局談建構都市原住民族文創產業的契機




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