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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Teaching Effects on Life and Death Attitude: A Meta-analysis |
作者 |
林季玲、楊淑晴 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在透過後設分析方法(meta-analysis),統整國內1997年6月至2008年8月以生命教育與死亡教育實驗研究的量化文獻,探討生死態度教學的整體效果,並找出其中可能的調節變項。研究者在國家圖書館館藏及電子資料庫搜尋符合研究需求之文獻資料,計有37篇碩、博士論文,以及4篇期刊文章符合研究需求。利用後設分析及階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM)之統計方法進行教學成效的彙整。結果發現:一、 在整體效果分析方面,生死態度的教學總成效之效果量為中度以上效果量,且達.001顯著水準。二、 教學介入後,教育階段別以高中職為研究對象的效果量最高:教學節數與樣本數為本研究的調節變項;而前後測實驗設計、研究者與教學者是否同一個人對教學成效的影響不大。 |
英文摘要 |
Using meta-analysis, this study reviewed the results of the quantitative studies in Taiwan that used quasi-experiments on life education and death education and were conducted between 1997 July and 2008 August. Specifically, meta-analysis and Hierarchical Linear Modeling were employed to analyze the overall effect of teaching and to search for the possible moderating variables, based on the findings of 37 master/doctoral theses and 4 journal articles The results of the current study indicated that: (a)with respect to the overall effect, the overall teaching effect regarding life and death attitude was above the medium (=0.626);(b)with teaching intervention, educational stages characterized by senior high and vocational schools gave much higher effect, while teaching length and sample size were moderating variables. Whether the researcher and instructor in pre-test and post-test experiment design of the study were the same person or not were found to have little impact on teaching effect. |
起訖頁 |
107-128 |
關鍵詞 |
後設分析、死亡教育、生命教育、生死態度、meta-analysis、death education、life education、life and death attitude |
刊名 |
課程與教學季刊 |
期數 |
200907 (12:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
提升孩子的生命意義感─死亡教育融入國中健康課程之效果研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
巢狀探究教學對國二學生覺知教師溝通行為改變之探討 |