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Our country's legal inheritance system has changed to ''limited liability of heirs'' in 2009 for the protection of the rights and interests of creditors of the decedent. It is stipulated that heirs should perform estate liquidation obligations in accordance with the law. This thesis first focus on the types of liquidation in which the inherited inheritance (positive inheritance) is insufficient to pay off the debts of the deceased (passive inheritance). During the period of inheritance liquidation, some creditors initiate compulsory enforcement, resulting in the estate liquidation obligor being forced to repay part of the debts ordered by the court. Consequently, escaping the law that ''except for priority debts, all debts shall be calculated according to their amount and proportion and repaid separately from the estate''; therein lies the problem that some creditors might be unable to receive the repayment amount according to the calculated proportion of repayment. How to respond to and prevent this problem, and how to protect creditors' legal rights which are the focus of this article.
起訖頁 83-124
刊名 東海大學法學研究  
期數 202404 (67期)
出版單位 東海大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 「乳酪工坊案」(Ulpianus D. 8,5, 8, 5)中的羅馬法相鄰關係規範模式及其當代影響




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