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隨著台灣進入高齡社會,醫療照護需求遞增,Z世代護理師也將成為職場主力,然Z世代與其他世代有著明顯的不同,不僅體現在態度、溝通上,更是反映出不同世代間對文化價值觀的差異。因此,本研究利用霍夫斯泰德文化維度理論(Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory)作為分析框架,探討護理師在權力距離、個人主義、男性主義、不確定性迴避、長期導向、放任與約束等六個文化維度的傾向,從而進一步探討Z世代與非Z世代在文化價值的差異。以橫斷面問卷調查東部某區域教學醫院411名護理人員,結果顯示;Z世代與非Z世代在以下三個構面有顯著差異:(1)權力距離:Z世代更注重平等參與決策的權力,渴望與職場保持雙向開放溝通(2.94±0.32 vs. 3.06±0.33,p=0.001)。(2)男性主義:Z世代更重視公眾利益、社會正義、工作與生活平衡,傾向女性主義特質之價值觀(2.74±0.29 vs. 2.83±0.26,p=0.002)。(3)長期導向:Z世代受到即時通訊和社交媒體等科技發展的影響,傾向即時和快速的短期反饋(3.00±0.32 vs.3.09±0.38,p=0.019)。研究結果有助於釐清Z世代護理人員在文化價值上的差異,提供管理者制定有效策略之參考。
As Taiwan enters an aging society, the demand for medical care is increasing, and Generation Z nurses are becoming a significant workforce. However, Generation Z differs noticeably from other generations, not only in attitudes and communication but also in reflecting distinct cultural values. Therefore, this study utilized Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as an analytical framework to explore the tendencies of nurses in six cultural dimensions: power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, and indulgence versus restraint. This research further investigates the differences in cultural values between Generation Z and non-Generation Z. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 411 nursing staff in an educational hospital in the eastern region. Results revealed significant differences between Generation Z and non-Generation Z in three dimensions: (1) Power Distance: Generation Z emphasizes equal participation in decision-making and desires open communication in the workplace (2.94?0.32 vs. 3.06?0.33, p=0.001). (2) Masculinity: Generation Z values public interest, social justice, and work-life balance, leaning towards feminist values (2.74?0.29 vs. 2.83?0.26, p=0.002). (3) Long-term Orientation: Influenced by technological developments such as instant messaging and social media, Generation Z tends towards immediate and rapid short-term feedback (3.00?0.32 vs. 3.09?0.38, p=0.019). The research findings contribute to clarifying the cultural value differences among Generation Z nurses and provide references for managers to formulate effective strategies.
起訖頁 527-536
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202409 (28:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 旋律語調治療法對中風合併非流暢型失語症患者語言能力之成效
該期刊-下一篇 口腔癌病人接受細胞程式死亡蛋白-1抑制劑所引發的類天疱瘡副作用




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