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The study attempted to identify effective strategies for reducing patient anxiety levels while implementing an approach of holistic medical care. Therefore, the interview outline was designed using the Three- Talk-Model from shared decision-making practices, analyzing factors that can promote effective anxiety coping strategies from various communication stages. A total of 8 patients with myasthenia gravis participated in the study. It was found that simply attributing relapses solely to the disease itself inevitably leads to biased stress judgments and triggers crises of self-esteem and perceived control over life. Especially, different psychosocial developments entail unique growth tasks. However, the communication style of the Three-Talk-Model can provide a more comprehensive stress assessment and a friendly communication atmosphere. As the assessment method changes, there is an increase in self-esteem and perceived control over life, which also enhances the discussion and action of autonomously participating in coping with anxiety strategies. Therefore, to implement another direction of holistic medical care attitude, efforts can be focused on cultivating attitudes and abilities that create a communication atmosphere where patients feel their sense of self is kindly cared for.
起訖頁 507-513
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202409 (28:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 旋律語調治療法對中風合併非流暢型失語症患者語言能力之成效




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