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公務人員退撫體制的現況與變革分析   全文下載 全文下載
Analysis and Study of the Current Retirement and Indemnity System for Civil Servants and Its Reform
作者 蔡良文
Due to the changing relationship between civil servants and the nation, as well as the influences of political and economic transformation, government reform and new approaches to public management, the retirement and indemnity system of civil servants should be adjusted. Reforming the retirement and indemnity system for civil servants will involve the context wherein these servants who follow the laws and affirm their administrative responsibilities, shall have their basic life demands guaranteed and receive good care in order to protect their basic needs and maintain their respectful esteem after retiring. As well, proper introduction of new blood can then promote administrative efficiency. The retirement care system will not only be concerned with civil servants’career planning, but also impact on the quality of the labor supply; therefore, it cannot be neglected in any complete consideration.
Transformation of all systems shall correspond to the social trends and adhere to the essence of‘gradual change’. The reform will be associated with employing the human resources of public services, the social security system, the financial arrangements of the government, the application of the Civil Servants Pension Fund, and the performances and the calculation of the number of working years of civil servants. The granting of pensions shall depend on a very accurate statistical process, which will not be generally discussed. The study explores the frame, function, theory, and improvement of the retirement and indemnity system, and proposes strategic and principal suggestions targeting retirement income rationalization for future references in all fields.
起訖頁 37-70
關鍵詞 公務人員退休撫卹公務人力供需新公共管理人事機能功績報償尊嚴漸進改革civil servantsretirement and indemnitysupply and demand of human resources in public servicesnew public managementpersonnel functionperformance rewardesteemgradual reform
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200704 (50期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 當前公務人員退休制度之問題及其改革
該期刊-下一篇 公務人員退休制度之改革:切勿隨波逐流,誤入漩渦




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