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現階段退休制度改革方案之評析與期望   全文下載 全文下載
Analysis and Expectation of the Reform Plan on the Current Retirement System
作者 吳泰成
Eleven years have passed since the current civil servant retirement system was implemented in August 1995. During this period, our country has experienced impacts from political changes, slow economic development, and government re-engineering. Of course it is necessary to modify the system. In February 2006, the Examination Yuan proposed the amendment to Civil Service Retirement Act, and the Ministry of Civil Service proposed the Reform Plan on Rationalizing the Retirement Income. These two reforms will have great impact on the current system, and some parts of the proposals are quite controversial. Before the reform plans are finally determined, there is still room for discussion. This paper first discusses in theory the attributes of civil servants and functions that the retirement system should possess. Then it quotes and sums up the difficulties faced by the current retirement system. After that, it inspects on the contents of the reform plans. And finally, it provides concrete suggestions and expectations on improving the management of retirement fund, speeding up the review process of amendment to Civil Service Retirement Act, and handling the rationalization plan of the retirement income according to the law. The paper aims to provide a reference to the Legislative Yuan, Examination Yuan, and the Ministry of Civil Service on this issue.
起訖頁 1-18
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200704 (50期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 當前公務人員退休制度之問題及其改革




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