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三年來的回顧與前瞻   全文下載 全文下載
Retrospection of the Past Three Years and Looking into the Future
作者 姚嘉文
It has been three years since the beginning of the 10th session of the Examination Yuan. During this period, we saw a great deal of changes inside and outside. Therefore, civil servants have to adapt themselves to the needs of the society. It is also necessary and urgent to change the ideas and attitudes. Because of this, Examination Yuan has been working hard on changing the ideas of civil servants in the past three years. For example, we increased opportunities for our staff to visit public and private organizations in order to find the defects of current systems and how to correct them. At the Yuan, we provide our staff with channels to learn in the hope to enhance their wisdom in order to achieve the goal of efficiency improvement and adjustment of organization quality. We are seeing gradual effects of the changes in these three years.
Moreover, the Examination Yuan also promoted many new policies of examinations and civil service, including enhancing examination question quality and changing merit system, etc. In the future, we will actively reform. We will, in addition to reviewing the examination system and submitting the gender equality white paper, carry out the philosophy of foundation of human right and find out the imperfection of the national examinations. In the meantime, we will continue the reform of retirement system and merge of training institutions. With all these measures, we hope that the tenth session of the Examination Yuan can make the personnel system of the country perfect with the ambition of continuous reform.
起訖頁 1-12
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200510 (44期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 提升專門職業技術人員考試制度之效能~以技師考試制度為例




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