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Preparation and Performance for Oil-water Separation of Organosilane Modified Fabric
作者 管飆曹從軍丁小健侯成敏夏衛民
針對目前用於油/水分離的超疏水材料普遍存在的原料不環保、不可降解、塗層耐久性差等缺點,採用簡便的浸漬法,製備了一種環保、工藝簡單且性能優良的超疏水材料。通過共價接枝,將無毒的十六烷基三甲氧基矽烷(HDTMS)與甲基三乙氧基矽烷(MTES)固定在棉織物表面,製備得到超疏水棉織物。探究了HDTMS與MTES之間的作用,浸泡次數,烘乾溫度、時間等因素對織物疏水性能的影響。結果表明,改性棉織物接觸角最高達到152o,滾動角為16o。同時具有很好的耐溶劑性,在酸堿等溶液中浸泡30 min後,接觸角幾乎沒有變化。油水分離效率最高可達97.8%,即使在經過10次迴圈分離之後,油水分離效率仍然在96%以上。該超疏水織物具有出色的油水分離效率和優良的穩定性,可用於可持續且環保的油水分離領域。
In view of the shortcomings of the superhydrophobic materials used for oil/water separation, such as non-environmental protection of raw materials, non-degradation and poor durability of coating, a kind of superhydrophobic material with environmental protection, simple process and excellent performance was prepared by simple impregnation method. Superhydrophobic cotton fabric was prepared by covalently grafting non-toxic cetyltrimethoxysilane (HDTMS) and methyl trimethoxysilane (MTES) onto the surface of cotton fabric. The effects of HDTMS and MTES, soaking times, drying temperature, time and other factors on the hydrophobic properties of fabrics were investigated. The results show that the maximum contact Angle of modified cotton fabric is 152 o and the rolling Angle is 16 o. At the same time, it has good solvent resistance. After soaking in acid and alkali solution for 30 min, the contact Angle hardly changes. The highest oil-water separation efficiency is 97.8%, and even after 10 cycles of separation, the oilwater separation efficiency is still above 96%. The superhydrophobic fabric has excellent oilwater separation efficiency and excellent stability, which can be used in the field of sustainable and environmentally friendly oil-water separation.
起訖頁 126-136
關鍵詞 超疏水油水分離環保耐久性Super HydrophobicOil-Water SeparationEnvironmentally-FriendlyDurability
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
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該期刊-下一篇 2023台灣印刷包裝相關產業分析與未來發展策略研究




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