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警察總是權威式的領導嗎?從QCA方法析探改變警察領導風格   全文下載 全文下載
Do Police Always Conduct Authoritative Leadership? A Study on Influencing Factors of Changing Police Leadership Style by the QCA Method
作者 湯汶瑜洪俊瑋王俊元 (Chun-Yuan Wang)
Following the principles of discipline and obedience, leaders are often expected to adopt an authoritative leadership style to ensure rapid mobilization and mission accomplishment. However, from the discussion on leadership in general administrative agencies or business organizations, it can be found that leadership styles are becoming more and more diverse. The main purpose of this study is to explore whether an individual police officer’s leadership style has changed and determine the influencing factors. To this end, retrospective in-depth interviews are conducted and followed by a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), which combines qualitative and quantitative advantages to encode the data, carry out calculations, and complete the analysis in response to the research questions, ultimately coming up with policy recommendations for education training and practical management.
This study found that the police leadership style will indeed change, including temporary switch and essential changes, and is subject to external factors—namely, environmental and organizational factors, subordinate traits, job characteristics, and internal factors (i.e., personal qualities, abilities, and values).“Environmental and organizational factors”and“ability”are the key factors affecting the change of police leadership style. Overall, external factors account for more results of the change.
起訖頁 107-145
關鍵詞 警察領導風格質性比較分析法(QCA)教育訓練改變與切換policeleadership stylequalitative comparative analysis (QCA)education and trainingchange and switch
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202305 (15:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 疫情期間的公部門職場觀察:談居家辦公與工作家庭衝突
該期刊-下一篇 運用協力治理觀點探究臺灣公共事務個案聯盟




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