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Invited Essay―Reforming Civil Service Selection Practice through Hiring Agencies’Participation
作者 施能傑
Hiring organizations decide who to hire, be they in the private, non-profit or the public sector. This is the common recruitment practice. Yet, Taiwan government is an exception whose hiring agencies almost have no opportunity to select their own new civil servants. People who pass the national examination are appointed to an agency without its consent. This paper offers a three-step alternative to the current practice, from (1) the current system plus hiring agency participation, (2) the current system and the eligibility list system simultaneously, and then to (3) the eligibility list system. Detailed implementation steps are also suggested in consistency with two general principles of human resource selection, including multi-stages of selection and multiple selection methods. Any changes must ensure that they increase the opportunity of the hiring agency to select its newcomers and that the principle of open competition will be strictly followed and violators will be held accountable.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 列冊候用考試分發任用eligibility listappointment directly by national examination
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202211 (14:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 運用數位學習科技精進公務人力訓練接受度之前瞻與挑戰:以公務人員升官等訓練為例




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