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員工幸福感的意涵與影響因素之探討   全文下載 全文下載
An Examination of the Meanings and Antecedents of Employee Well-being
作者 黃煥榮
In recent years, employee well-being has become an important research topic for organizational researchers. This paper explores the meanings and antecedents of employee well-being among public, private and non-profit sectors. To begin with, we address three sets of research questions about employee well-being. The first is about the meaning of employee wellbeing and the dimensions of the concept. Second, what is the perception of well-being among employees in the three major sectors? Is there a significant difference between them? Third, in the context of our country, what are the main personal and organizational factors that affect employee well-being? Moreover, to what extent do these factors affect various dimensions of well-being? After reviewing two traditions of research on well-being, we foster a more integrated approach to assessing and measuring employee well-being. It was found that factors associated with well-being, including personal backgrounds, work settings, and other organizational characteristics, could affect the consequences of well-being in the workplace. Then, a major test of our model involves the use of secondary data analysis -- data that was gathered from the Work and Life section of“Taiwan Social Change Survey”(2015, Round 7, Year 1) of Academia Sinica. Analysis of variance and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Results showed that employee well-being in public sector was not significantly higher than that of private sector and non-profit sector as expected. Furthermore, employee well-being was predictive of gender, work/family conflict, and friendliness of work settings. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed and potential areas for future research were proposed.
起訖頁 67-103
關鍵詞 員工幸福感主觀幸福感心理幸福感工作/家庭衝突employee well-beingsubjective well-beingpsychological well-beingwork/family conflict
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202105 (13:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員為何沉默?公部門權力距離與員工沉默行為對工作滿意度之影響
該期刊-下一篇 競賽與變革:從臉書經營談政府服務品質獎的成果問題




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