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情緒智力對工作滿意度之影響:公共服務動機的中介效果與調節效果   全文下載 全文下載
The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction: The Mediation and Moderation Effects of Public Service Motivation
作者 董祥開柳嘉蕙
For public employees who view public service as a noble calling, having a higher level of public service motivation alone may not be sufficient to accomplish their missions. One critical factor is whether the public employees have the ability to adjust their own emotional status when confronted with irrational complaints or blames. This study aims at finding if an individual’s emotional intelligence has any impacts on his/her job satisfaction. Particularly, we would like to know whether public service motivation has mediation effects or moderation effects on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. This study applied the stratified random sampling method based on the current population distribution of the Executive Yuan, and successfully surveyed 731 public employees. Samples are examined to be representative to the population. Results of the statistical analyses show that a person’s emotional intelligence is a critical factor to predict his/her job satisfaction. Also, public service motivation plays both the roles of a mediator and a moderator at the same time. However, we believe that“how much an individual’s emotional intelligence would affect his/her job satisfaction should be conditional to this person’s attitudes toward public service”makes more sense because emotional intelligence and public service motivation do not have an unambiguous causal relationship. How and why emotional intelligence affects a person’s public service motivation is still controversial and debatable. Improving public servants’ability to deal with their emotion and motivation before serving the public may have positive impacts on their jobs as well as their own career. Accordingly, we suggest that the public sector design training courses to improve public employees’communication skills, mental strength, and pressure adjustment abilities. The currently implemented counseling service, the employee assistance programs, should be further enhanced to help public employees, thereby maximizing the positive influence of human skills.
起訖頁 51-92
關鍵詞 情緒智力公共服務動機工作滿意度emotional intelligencepublic service motivationjob satisfaction
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202001 (12:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員退休年金設計:確定給付制、確定提撥制或雙層制?
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市政府推動員工協助方案之評估




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