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繁文縟節如何影響公共服務動機?2011年臺灣文官調查資料之分析   全文下載 全文下載
How Does Red Tape Influence Public Service Motivation? A Study of 2011 Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey
作者 陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)黃建勲
Previous studies have found that public service motivation (PSM) has been an important mindset and driving force for public administrators and that it could be satisfied in public sector settings where they aim at serving the public. However, scholars and practitioners argued that many members of public service feel powerless due to the constraints on the public sector and its inflexibility, especially the so-called red tape. Previous studies paid little attention to the relationship between red tape and PSM as well as the mechanism in which they have interacted. By analyzing survey data from TGBS (Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey) in 2011, the author finds that public administrators’perceived red tape is negatively associated with PSM, in particular policy-making initiative, and that organizational commitment plays a complete mediator role between red tape and PSM, and a partial mediator role between red tape and policy-making initiative. Those results imply that constraints and burdens from red tape may cause alienation of administrators, leading to lower identity toward the organizations they serve, and then to lower PSM, particularly policy-making initiative. In the final section of this paper, research limits and further researches are identified and management suggestions are also provided for public sector.
起訖頁 35-71
關鍵詞 官僚繁文縟節公共服務動機組織承諾bureaucracyred tapepublic service motivationorganizational commitment
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201901 (11:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 都會災害防救中的協力決策:對市府部門的互動網絡評估
該期刊-下一篇 隔離還是聚合?民主轉型過程中軍人政治態度持續與變遷




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