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公務人員考績制度未來變革途徑的另類想像:績效管理的觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Invited Essay―An Alternative Vision of Reforming Taiwan’s Civil Service Performance Evaluation System: The Perspective of Performance Management
作者 呂育誠
This paper redefines civil service performance evaluation concept identification in the ROC and discusses future development strategies and directions from the perspective of performance management. The author argued that the difficulty of changing the civil service performance evaluation system now lies not only in its highly complex interactions with other personnel management mechanisms, but also in their blur definitions and functions. These problems disturb their cause-and-effect relations and make it difficult to focus on the target of change. This paper tries to use the performance management ideas, including that of a broad definition of performance, in an attempt to bring the improvement concept back as the center of performance evaluation institutions so they can better reflect the real situations of government employees and the government agencies they work in. This will also allow job performance evaluation to play a positive role in continued innovation.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 公務人員考績績效管理變革civil serviceperformance evaluationperformance managementchange
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201810 (10:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 繁文縟節與組織績效:以臺灣作為個案觀察




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