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公共行政教育是否造就出更好的公務人員?準公務人員的工作信心與公共服務動機   全文下載 全文下載
Does Public Administration Education Make a Difference? A Study on Job Confidence and Public Service Motivation of New Functionaries
作者 黃朝盟嚴秀娟
Public administration education is intended to cultivate professional public functionaries. Nevertheless, neither the recruitment tests nor the selection criteria for government employees in Taiwan have taken into consideration the applicants’background in public administration education. It seems to imply that the administrative work of the government is so simple that it is not deemed necessary to require a formal education in public administration. Is public administration a professional job that takes a long training to do? Or is it just a common sense work of which most people can become fully competent with a minimum level of training?
This study looks at the impacts of public administration education on the professional confidence and public service motivation of a group of government workers in Taiwan who had just passed the civil service entrance examinations and were receiving orientation training during this study. The results of this research confirm the positive influences of public administration education on their technical knowledge and job confidence. On the other hand, however, public administration education does not seem to have the predicted effects on their public service motivation, except for raising their interest in the public sector. Finally, this paper provides several policy recommendations on public administration education as well as on the recruitment, training and employment of public servants.
起訖頁 55-84
關鍵詞 公共行政教育國家文官考試公共服務動機專業信心工作態度public administration educationcivil service examinationpublic service motivation (PSM)professional confidencejob attitude
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201807 (10:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員考選制度關鍵技術之國際啟示
該期刊-下一篇 客家基本法之制定與發展:兼論2018年修法重點




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