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臺灣長期照顧政策之執行與展望:以公私協力治理觀點分析   全文下載 全文下載
Implementation and Prospect of Long-term Care Policy in Taiwan: An Analysis Based on Public-Private Partnership Governance
作者 黃榮源陳郁函
Taiwan will enter the so-called“hyper-aged society”by 2026. The demand for long-term care has increased rapidly due to the rising elderly population. In view of this, the ROC government is actively promoting longterm care policies: implemented of the“Long-term Care Ten-year Plan”since 2008, introduced the“Long-term Care Service Act”and enacted on June 3 of 2017. The so-called“Long-term Care Ten-year Plan 2.0”has recently commenced since November 2016. Government recognized its limit of capacity and resources, and seeking to collaborate with private sectors or nonprofit organizations, through related networks or platforms for providing a better service with effective integration of resources. However, how to reach collaboration effectively between the public and the non-profit long-term care units, and also maintain this partnership of equality and mutual benefit, is a subject worth exploring. Based on this, this study makes an empirical analysis of Taiwan’s long-term care policy and service, discusses the relationship between nonprofit organizations and government within the implementation of the Long-term Care Ten-year Plan 2.0 policy. It uses literature review to explore the essence and type of public and private cooperation, and to understand the elements of their collaboration; in empirical, through the qualitative research, interviewed selected executive director of non-profit units, government agencies and specialists, for examining the interactions among organizations and government in policy implementation. The study found that nowadays long-term care service in Taiwan appears a type and structure of entrusted, so that non-profit long units and the government is not a reciprocal status, it is difficult to create equal and mutually beneficial partnership; Moreover, a simplified administrative and funding process, would be important factors that impact the effort and investment of long-term care units which participating in the business. It is worth noting that“commercialize”of long-term care service seems to be trend in the future. How to reach an equilibrium point between private sector and non-profit organizations in the long-term care policy would be another question to think about.
起訖頁 53-83
關鍵詞 協力治理公私協力夥伴關係非營利組織長期照顧十年計畫2.0collaborative governancepublic-private partnershipnonprofit organizationLong-term Care Plan 2.0
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201804 (10:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 專業職能分歧作為另類的跨域治理議題:以衛生福利部為例之初探研究
該期刊-下一篇 如何評估道德政策執行績效?以我國地方政府動物保護績效指標之建構為例




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