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我國政府內部人力市場行為之初探:個人利益與組織利益之權衡   全文下載 全文下載
An Exploratory Study of Government Internal Labor Market in Taiwan: Balance of Interest between Individuals and Organizations
作者 蘇偉業
This article analyzes the cross-agency (cross-profession) mobility of civil servants in the government internal labor market. In-depth interviews with staff members from nationwide governments, different levels of agencies and class series, and those recruited through different levels of general examinations and special examinations for local governments were conducted to explore their motivations of transfer, orientation and skill of transfer, responses of their higher-ups, and their reflections on the mobility phenomenon. The analysis underscores the struggle between organizational and individual interests, and helps to facilitate reflections on the design of the government personnel system in Taiwan.
This study finds that the government internal labor market in Taiwan is oriented towards an“employee-centered”mechanism that promotes individual interest at the expense of organizational interest. Job mobility in principle can help broaden job experience and improve job performance. But in fact the mobility is, to a large extent, motivated by negative factors, reflecting the“withdrawal behavior”of the staff and the lack of workforce planning. Therefore, the mobility tends to have a harmful effect on the government.
This study suggests that the mechanism of the internal labor market should not give too much favor to individuals. The institutional design should try to exclude the abuse of the mechanism and close all loopholes incurring opportunism. At the same time, the tense relationship between individuals and organizations/superior officials should be adequately mitigated.
起訖頁 21-58
關鍵詞 內部人力市場人力流動請調職系internal labor marketjob mobilityjob transferclass series
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201801 (10:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 財政撙節與公共行政
該期刊-下一篇 我國公職人員利益衝突迴避法對地方廉能治理影響之研究




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