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基層食安稽查人員在不同餐飲場所執行風格之比較研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Comparative Study on the Enforcement Styles of Inspectors Towards Different Types of Eating and Drinking Facilities
作者 王禕梵王宏文
Inspectors face the bureaucratic dilemma and great pressure when implementing the law. In order to achieve the goals, they may adopt different enforcement styles, which affect the effectiveness of regulatory policy. This paper aims to investigate the enforcement styles of sanitation inspectors when inspecting different types of eating and drinking facilities in three counties and cities in Taiwan. It also tries to find out the factors affecting their enforcement styles.
The results of principal component analysis show that the styles of the inspectors can be classified by two dimensions, based on the degree of strict enforcement and the degree of communication and education. Using cluster analysis and the above two dimensions, the inspectors can be divided into three styles, i.e. the communication and coordination style, the routine style, and the strict enforcement style. Inspectors tend to adopt routine style when dealing with night market vendors.
Finally, the results show that some characteristics of the inspectors, such as gender, educational background, tenure of duty, and areas where they implement the law, are likely to affect their enforcement styles. It is recommended that the local health authorities consider the enforcement styles of their inspectors when assigning them to inspect different eating and drinking facilities. It may improve the efficiency and enhance the effectiveness of food safety management.
起訖頁 99-138
關鍵詞 政策執行基層官僚執行風格policy implementationstreet-level bureaucracyenforcement style
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201710 (9:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 工作場所性騷擾的成因和影響:臺灣資料的循證分析
該期刊-下一篇 書評--超越官僚體制:邁向資訊化永續治理




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