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必然的謬誤與潛規則的合理性:制度約束下的地方主管年終考績行為   全文下載 全文下載
Inevitability of Errors, Justifiability of Hidden Rules: Behavior of Performance Appraisal under Institutional Constraints
作者 曾玟儀蘇偉業
Regarding performance appraisal for civil service, one of research focuses is on the personal ability of supervisors in performance rating, with“rating error”as a key issue. This is further attributed to the“bounded rationality”as the root of the problem, which is explored to explain why supervisors rate their subordinates in accordance with non-working-performance factors, i.e., by applying“hidden rules.”However, this paper argues that the“rating error”in the public sector is inevitable. The mechanism of the“75% cap for Grade A rating”is essentially leading to“rating error.”Interestingly, the application of this mechanism invalidates the argument of“bounded rationality”for its impact on the distorted performance appraisal behavior.
This study makes use of in-depth interviews with 12 senior executives in a local government to illustrate the complexity of the distorted performance appraisal behavior. The behavior is subject to the influence of external pressure of accountability, the inherent incentive structure and the job nature of their agencies. The application of“hidden rules”is not completely unjustifiable. This paper suggests that when it comes to performance appraisal, we should not focus too much on the factors of supervisors, because they face enormous pressure from outside and within their agencies. The low measurability of the public sector performance and ingrained organizational politics and culture further make the appraisal behavior deviate from the formal system. Perhaps, we should reconsider the functions and objectives of performance appraisal for the civil service.
起訖頁 79-107
關鍵詞 考績考績謬誤潛規則有限理性appraisalrating errorhidden rulesbounded rationality
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201704 (9:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 跨機關政策協調:我國碳捕存個案
該期刊-下一篇 書評--新加坡政府經驗:動態治理之文化、能力與變革




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