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公部門推動參與式預算之經驗與省思   全文下載 全文下載
Invited Essay―Participatory Budgeting in the Public Sector: Experiences and Reflections
作者 蘇彩足
Participatory budgeting has become a worldwide phenomenon in recent years. It has become prevalent partly because of its ambiguity. Since early 2000s, the basically leftist character of participatory budgeting has been gradually fading. Instead, participatory budgeting has become one of the best practices of good governance and is regarded as part of open government efforts. This accelerated the diffusion and influence of participatory budgeting in different regions of the world. The central government and local governments in Taiwan also initiated participatory budgeting in 2015.
This paper introduces the primary models for implementing participatory budgeting in Taiwan, namely, the city or county councilor’s discretionary fund model, the contracting out model, and the administrative agency model. It also describes the initial performance of participatory budgeting in Taiwan. To understand the impact of power conflicts and entangling interest involved in the implementation of participatory budgeting, this paper then, based on Taiwan’s experiences, reflects on the following questions. Firstly, what is the role of political entrepreneurs in the participatory budgeting process? Secondly, is it necessary to exclude the established political power from the new political space created by participatory budgeting if one wishes to expand the inclusiveness and deepen civic participation? Lastly, has the Taiwanese bureaucratic system equipped itself with enough capacity to cope with the new challenges that are brought by participatory budgeting?
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 參與式預算議員建議款政治創業家participatory budgetingcouncilor’s discretionary fundpolitical entrepreneur
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201704 (9:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 地方立法的效力與行政權的行使




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