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主管儲訓課程及評鑑模組建構之研究:以地方政府八等課長為例   全文下載 全文下載
Invited Essay―Developing Task-based Management Development Program and Assessment Framework: A Case of Grade-8 Supervisors in Local Government
作者 黃一峯
This paper aims to explore the design of management development program and its assessment framework for Grade-8 supervisors in local governments through interviews with SMEs and a questionnaire survey of current supervisors in municipal and county governments. The results indicate there are 28 major tasks and 11 managerial competences required of supervisors. The survey statistics indicate the most important tasks for supervisors are subordinates performance appraisal, budgeting, assigning job to subordinates, documents review, and oversight of professional activities. The most important job skills for supervisors are communicating and coordinating, problem-solving, representing, implementing, and crisis management. Through factor analysis, the tasks can be categorized into five types: attending meetings and activities, outsourcing and coordinating, internal HRM, reception and interview, oversight of professional activities. The five types can be further derived as the program modules. The Content Validity Ratio was employed to explore the relations between tasks and managerial competences. The results can be used to design the assessment framework for the program. An Importance-Frequency analysis was conducted to set the priority order of goals when the training resources are limited.
This paper provides practical suggestions for HRD professionals to develop a task-based development program for supervisors. Implementation issues will need further verification.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 主管儲訓課程薦任八等課長評鑑架構management development programgrade-8 supervisorsassessment framework
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201701 (9:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 民國初年人事行政法制的形成與演變(1912~1928)




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