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自我效能與信賴關係對公部門工作績效之影響   全文下載 全文下載
The Impact of Self-Efficacy and Fiduciary Relationship on Work Performance in the Public Sector
作者 廖珮妏謝俊義
Improving government performance is always an important issue of public administration. This study tries to explore public sector members’sense of self-efficacy from premises that include: public sector members have confidence to deal with any unexpected events, public sector members believe in their effort to solve the problem, they believe they have the ability to deal with the problem and that the problems they have encountered have a solution–there will be ways to cope with the problems. When they have a higher sense of self-efficacy, it will be reflected in their better work performance, including cooperation, communication, planning, technology, quality of work, work load and the overall work. In addition to the performance-based measure of the relationship between the individual performance and overall stake, organizations need well-functioning members to cooperate with each other to achieve organizational goals, including supervisors and employees whose mutual commitments are reliable, who consider each other to be honest, and who trust each other, help each other, consider each other’s interests and trust these indicators does affect the performance indicators. The research found that self-efficacy and fiduciary relationship has significant positive effect on performance. When the model is applied to the self-efficacy and fiduciary relationships, there are significant negative effects on performance. However, the self-efficacy and fiduciary relationship have latent interaction effects on performance. The research finds that self-efficacy has not impacts on performance, the fiduciary relationship has positive significant effects on performance. Self-efficacy and fiduciary relationship have significant positive latent interaction effects on performance.
起訖頁 55-80
關鍵詞 自我效能信賴關係績效self-efficacyfiduciary relationshipperformance ratings
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201607 (9:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 少數族群資源分配政策的理論基礎與跨國經驗:對於臺灣的啟示與反思
該期刊-下一篇 一樣的身分、不一樣的角色:以2008年臺灣政府文官調查庫探索文官回應與類型




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